Basketball officiating is a challenging job, but there are great rewards. To be a successful official, you will need mental toughness, good people skills and thick skin. Basketball officiating will inherently teach you all of those skills and much more.
If you love basketball, you will have the best view of the game as an official. More importantly, officiating will teach you how to view the games in a whole new light – one that emphasizes fairness, integrity, decisiveness and sound judgement.
Get ready to challenge yourself and start one of the most rewarding jobs you’ll ever have!
If you love basketball, you will have the best view of the game as an official. More importantly, officiating will teach you how to view the games in a whole new light – one that emphasizes fairness, integrity, decisiveness and sound judgement.
Get ready to challenge yourself and start one of the most rewarding jobs you’ll ever have!
Great Reasons to
Start Officiating
Love of Basketball
Stay Active
Get in the Game
Give Back to the Game
Earn Extra Money
Challenge Yourself
Camaraderie & Community
Life Skills
Stay Active
Get in the Game
Give Back to the Game
Earn Extra Money
Challenge Yourself
Camaraderie & Community
Life Skills

The Guyana Basketball Officials Council (GBOC) is the governing body for basketball Officials in Guyana and includes, Commissioners, Game Officials (Referees), Table Officials, and Statisticians.
GBOC Objectives:
- To advance the game of basketball in accordance with the rules of the game established by FIBA.
- ToÂtrainÂandÂmaintainÂaÂcadreÂofÂOfficialsÂtoÂmeetÂtheÂneedsÂof basketball in Guyana.
- To establish, develop, coordinate and assist in any programme or activity designed to improve the standard of Officiating.
- To continually evaluate and improve the standard of Officiating.
- To improve the status, protect the interests and promote the welfare of Officials.
- To ensure that all games at which members officiate are played in accordanceÂwithÂtheÂrulesÂofÂtheÂGameÂestablishedÂbyÂFIBAÂand with the rules of the competition set down by competent local authorities approved by the GBF.
FIBA Official Basketball Rules (OBR) are approved by the FIBA Central Board and they are available for the entire basketball family. Normally the new edition of the OBR becomes valid starting as of 1 October of any given year .